Our first course addresses the very much neglected field of neuro-urology and neurologic bowel dysfunction, a subject which neurologists have avoided despite its importance to patients with neurologic disease. The Chairperson of this course, Professor Clare J. Fowler, a recognized international authority, has selected an outstanding faculty of experts to assist her. As this represents our first production in this series, we very much welcome your comments and advice for future courses.
Published: 4 Dec 2007
Chapter 1: A neurologist's clinical and investigative approach to patients with bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction
C.J. Fowler (London, UK)
Chapter 2: Urinary incontinence and retention
C.M. Brady and C.J. Fowler (London, UK)
Chapter 3: Constipation and fecal incontinence
C.M. Brady (London, UK)
Chapter 4: Neurogenic sexual dysfunction in men and women
C.J. Fowler and E.M. Frohman (London, UK and Dallas, TX, USA)
Chapter 5: Multiple sclerosis, other myelopathies and spinal cord injury
E.M. Frohman (Dallas, TX, USA)
Chapter 6: Cauda equina disorders
J.D. Stewart (Montreal, PQ, Canada)
Chapter 7: Peripheral neuropathies
J.D. Stewart (Montreal, PQ, Canada)
Chapter 8: Parkinsonian disorders and pure autonomic failure
R. Sakakibara (Chiba City, Japan)
Chapter 9: Brain diseases
R. Sakakibara and C.J. Fowler (Chiba City, Japan and London, UK)
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