WFN Grants and Awards

The WFN make available a number of grants and awards on an annual basis. These are:

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Educational Grants-In-Aid

Each year the WFN provides a number of educational grants to projects which aim to improve brain health worldwide, through research or education.


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Posters Hall 9WCN Congress Bursaries

A limited number of bursaries are awarded to young neurologists who wish to attend the Congress.

The bursary comprises of free Congress Registration and a Travel Grant of €500.


Contact info@wfneurology for more information


JTF 01Junior Travelling Fellowships

The Junior Travelling Fellowships are awarded to young neurologists from countries classified by the World Bank as low or lower-middle income, to attend approved international meetings.


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WFN Medals

At each World Congress of Neurology the WFN awards WFN medals recognising Service to International Neurology, and Scientific Achievement in Neurology. 

The Meritorious Service to the WFN is awarded to a member or employee of a WFN Member Society who has given exemplary service to the WFN. This award sits alongside the Ted Munsat Award that is jointly awarded by the AAN and WFN recognising an individual’s educational contributions to the WFN.

The WFN also awards the Lifetime Achievement Award on an ad hoc basis to honourees who have achieved particularly notable achievements throughout their distinguished careers.


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World Congress of Neurology Awards

Angela Vincent Award

At each World Congress of Neurology, a single award of $1000 is awarded for Best Young Neurologist Investigator.

The Elsevier Awards

In 2023, 6 Awards of $1,000 each are offered by Elsevier to deserving abstract submitters (the first author) of the Best 3 Clinical Papers and the Best 3 Research Papers.


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