Neurologic infections are global phenomena that pose a challenge for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. The Covid-19 pandemic, which has taken the world by storm over more than two years, now seems to be receding but will remain endemic in many countries for a long time and we will continue to see new cases and publications of acute, long- and post-covid neurological manifestations including post-covid 19 vaccine manifestations.

Over time, infections such as monkeypox and Polio have made the headlines and we have decided to include information about emerging neurologic infections under this new web page. With change in environment and migration, neurologic infections remain a big public health concern for everyone.

We aim to provide peer reviewed information through this website with pertinent timely updates highlighting new developments. We will appreciate your suggestions*.

Dr Chandrashekhar Meshram
Trustee, World Federation of Neurology
Chair, Tropical and Geographical Neurology Specialty Group of WFN

* Please send to Dr Meshram at



MonkeyPox and Neurology Update [September '24]

Prof. Avindra Nath and Dr Bridgette Jeanne Billioux Tropical and Geographical Neurology Specialty Group

9 Sep 2024

On 14 th August 2024, World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared Monkey Pox (mpox) outbreak a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).

Neuro-ID Update [June '24]

Prof. Avindra Nath and Dr Bridgette Jeanne Billioux Tropical and Geographical Neurology Specialty Group

18 Jun 2024

For this Neuro-COVID-19 update, we review several recent articles on SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence, including Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), or Long-COVID, including viral antigen persistence as a potential mechanism, and long-term PASC symptoms over three years of followup.

COVID-19 Update [December '23]

Prof. Avindra Nath and Dr Bridgette Jeanne Billioux Tropical and Geographical Neurology Specialty Group

23 Dec 2023

For this Neuro-COVID-19 update, we review two recent articles which attempt to identify mechanisms for the pathophysiology of Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), or Long-COVID.
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COVID-19 Resources


Covid-19 in WFN Publications

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Monthly Updates on Neuro-Infectious Diseases by WFN Specialty Groups

Neuro-ID Update [June '24]

Prof. Avindra Nath and Dr Bridgette Jeanne Billioux Tropical and Geographical Neurology Specialty Group

18 Jun 2024

For this Neuro-COVID-19 update, we review several recent articles on SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence, including Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), or Long-COVID, including viral antigen persistence as a potential mechanism, and long-term PASC symptoms over three years of followup.

GBS in Peru

On 26 June 2023, the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention, and Disease Control (CDC) of Peru issued an epidemiological alert due to an increase in Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) cases in different regions of the country.

  • Increase in cases Guillain-Barré Syndrome Peru
    EN ⧉  |  ES ⧉  |  PT ⧉
    PAHO Briefing Note [10 July 2023]




MonkeyPox Resources