Afghan Neurological Association (AFNA)
T: +93 78 819 1550
Albanian Society of Neurology (ASN)
UHC " Mother Theresa", Dibra St. 372, Tirana
Algerian Society of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
EHS Neurology Department Ali Ait Idir, Algiers
T: +213 770 868 052
All-Russian Society of Neurologists
Department of Neurology
Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics
Pirogov Russian National Research University, Leninsky pr.8, block 8, Moscow, 117049
T: +7 495 237 2730
American Academy of Neurology
201 Chicago Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55415
T: (800) 879 1960 (national), +1 612 928 6000
APRONES Democratic Republic of the Congo
(Association Pour la Promotion des Neurosciences)
c/o Prof Pierre Luabeya
Argentina Neurological Society
(Sociedad Neurológica Argentina)
Thames 2127, 1425 Buenos Aires
T: +54 11 4899-0582
Armenian Association of Neurologists
10 Gyurjyan str., 0056 Yerevan
T: +374 1063 5534
Association of Azerbaijan Neurologists
Department of Neurology
Educational-Therapeutic Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University, Mardanov Qardaşları,100, Baku, AZ 1078
Association of British Neurologists
Ormond House, 4th Floor, 27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ
T: +44 (0)207 405 4060
Association of Ethiopian Neurologists
c/o Dr Zenebe Melaku, P O Box 10614, Addis Ababa
Association of Neurological Sciences of El Salvador
(Asociación de Ciencias Neurológicas de El Salvador), Plaza Villavicencio Clinic Center 2nd. Level, local 7, Paseo General Escalón Colonia Escalón, San Salvador
T: +503 2263-6398, +503 2264-4076
Association of Neurological Sciences of Nicaragua
(Asociacion de Ciencias Neurologicas de Nicaragua)
Clinica Tiscapa, Planes de Altamira, Managua
Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists
Wijerama House, No. 6, Wijarama Mawatha, Colombo 07
Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN)
149 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
T: +61 2 9169 4893
Austrian Society of Neurology
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurologie (ÖGN)
c/o Lisa Patscheider, Sekretariat, Hermanngasse 18/1/4, 1070 Wien
T: +43 1 890 34 74
Bahrain Neurosciences Association
c/o Dr Adel Al-Jishi
Belgian Neurological Society (BNS)
c/o Prof. dr. Sebastian Engelborghs, Domeindreef 10, 8200 Sint Michiels
T: +32 2 477 6012
Beninese Neurology Society (SBN)
(La Société Béninoise de Neurologie)
Bolivian Society of Neurology
Sociedad Boliviana de Neurología (SOBONEURO)
Hospital de Clinicas Universitario - Hospital Complex of Miraflores, Av Saavedra s/n Miraflores, La Paz
Brazilian Academy of Neurology
(Academia Brasileira de Neurologia)
Rua Vergueiro, nº 1353, sala 1401 a 1404, CEP 04101-000 – Vila Mariana, São Paulo
T: +55 11 5084 9463
Bulgarian Society of Neurology
(Българско дружество по неврология)
Department of Neurology, St Naum University Hospital, Blvd. Tzarigradsko shosse 4 km, 1113 Sofia
T: +359 2 9702 100
Burkinabe Society of Neurology (SONEB)
(Societe Burkinabe de Neurologie)
Department of Neurology, CHU Yalgado OUEDRAOGO, Ouagadougou
Canadian Neurological Society
143N - 8500 Macleod Trail, SE Calgary, Alberta, T2H 2N1
T: +1 (403) 229-9544
Chinese Society of Neurology
Department of Neurology
Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing
Clinical Neuroscience Society, Singapore
Dept of Neurology, National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608
Colombian Association of Neurology
(Asociación Colombiana de Neurología)
Carrera 11B, No. 99-54, Oficina 401, Bogotá, Código Postal: 110221
T: +57 601 611 2474 (landline)<br/>+573173443559, +573166947716 (mobile)
Costa Rican Association of Neurological Sciences (ACCN)
(Asociación Costarricense de Ciencias Neurológicas)
Croatian Neurological Society
Hrvatsko Neurološko Društvo
Subiceva 9, 10000 Zagreb
T: + 385 1 469 3302
Cyprus Neurological Society
P.O. Box 50339, 3603 Limassol
T: +357 25 352 669
Czech Society of Neurology
Sokolská 490/31, 120 00 Prague 2
T: +420 720 967 147
Danish Neurological Society
Lene Kristensen
Fællessekretariatet, Kristianiagade 12, 2100 København Ø
T: + 45 35 44 84 01
Dominican Neurological and Neurosurgical Society
"Sociedad Dominicana De Neurologia Y Neurocirugia"
Centro Medico UCE, Ave. Pedro Henriquez Ureña esq. César Dargam, La Esperilla, Santo Domingo
T: +1 809-278-8998
Ecuadorian Society of Neurology
c/o María Fernanda Ramia, Vicente Cardenas E-590 y Japon, P O Box 1711-6631, Quito
Egyptian Society of Neurology, Psychiatry & Neurosurgery
Emirates Neurosciences Society (EMINS)
Rashid Hospital, P O Box 4545, Dubai
Estonian Society of Neurologists & Neurosurgeons
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, University of Tartu, L.Puusepa 8, Tartu, 50406
T: +372 7318 500
Finnish Neurological Association
c/o Anne-Mari Kantanen
Kuopio University Hospital, Department of Neurology
Neurocenter administration Rak 4, 5krs, PL 100, 70029 Kuopio
French Society of Neurology (SFN)
(Société Française de Neurologie)
Fabienne Briault
Hôpital de La Pitié-Salpêtrière
Fédération de Neurologie - Mazarin, 47 Boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75651 Paris Cédéx 13
T: +33 1 42 16 37 73
Georgian Union of Neurologists (GEUNE)
Sarajishvili Institute of Neurology, 13 Tedore Mgvdeli, Tbilisi
German Society for Neurology (DGN)
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie e.V.
Budapester Str. 7/9, 10787 Berlin
Guatemalan Association of Neurology
(Asociación Guatemalteca de Neurología)
20 calle 18-23, zona 10, Edificio Plaza Buro, oficina 204, Guatemala City, 01010
Guinean Society of Neurology
(Société Guinéenne De Neurologie)
Hôpital national Ignace Deen, Conakry
Hellenic Association of Neurology
10 Alkmanos Str., Athens, 11528
T: +301 724 7056
Honduran Association of Neurology
(Asociación Hondureña de Neurología)
Centro de Investigaciones Cerebrales, Torre Medica Tepeyac, Tegucigalpa
Hong Kong Neurological Society (HKNS)
Room C, 3/F, Worldwide Centre, 123 Tung Chau Street, Kowloon
T: +852 2396 6261
Hungarian Neurological Society (HNS)
Móricz krt. 22., Debrecen, 4032
T: +36 52 255 255
Icelandic Neurological Society
Department of Neurology, Landspitali University Hospital, Fossvogi, 108 Reykjavik
T: +354 543 1000
Indian Academy of Neurology
A4, Shanthi Apartments, 18, TTK 1st Cross Street, Alwarpet, Chennai, 600 018
T: +91 (0)44 2435 3079
Indonesian Neurological Association
Secretariat: Apartemen Menteng Square, Tower A No. AR-19, Jl. Matraman No. 30 E Jakarta Pusat
T: +62 21 391 7349
Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Cuba
(Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía de Cuba)
Apartado Postal 4268, Havana 10400
Iranian Neurological Association (INA)
c/o Shahriar Nafissi, MD
Flat 11, 2nd floor, #11, Hojatdoost Alley, Felestin Street, Keshavarz Blvd, Tehran, Keshavarz 14166-83468
T: +98 21 6694 0036
Iraqi Neurological Society
Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience
c/o Ms Colette Fitzpatrick - Administrator, P.O. Box 351, Limerick
T: +353 6162 2652
Israel Neurological Association
35 Jabotinsky Street, Ramat-Gan, 5251108
Italian Society of Neurology
(Società Italiana di Neurologia)
c/o Studio Congresslab, Via del Rastrello, 7, 53100 Siena
T: +39 0577 286003
Ivory Coast Society of Neurology
(Société Ivoirienne de Neurologie)
Département de neurosciences, UFR des sciences médicales d'Abidjan (UFR-SMA), Abidjan, BP V 166
T: +225 22 48 10 55 / +225 07 08 62 08
Japanese Society of Neurology
Ichimaru Building, 2-31-21 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0034
T: +81 3 3815 1080
Jordan Neurological Society
P O Box 19183, Amman 11194
Korean Neurological Association
#1111, Insandonggil 12, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03163
T: +82 2 737 6530
Kosovo Neurological Society
Kuwait Neurological Society
Latvian Neurologists Association
League of Neurologists of Kazakhstan
Kabanbay Batyr St., 119, Almaty, 050012
T: +7 (775) 3253773
Lebanese Society Of Neurology
Al Tahwita, Beirut
T: +961 1 429 898
Libyan Association of Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery
Al RAZI Hospital of Psychiary Neurology and Neurosurgery, P O Box 6683, Tripoli
Lithuanian Neurologists' Association
Vilnius University Hospital Santaros klinikos, Dept. of Neurology, Vilnius University Hospital, Dept. of Neurology, Santariskiu str. 2, Vilnius, LT-08661
T: +370 688 62744
Luxembourg Society of Neurology
(Société Luxembourgeoise de Neurologie asbl)
23-25 rue de l'Alzette, L-4011 Esch/Alzette
T: +352 54 4449-1
Macedonian Society of Neurology
University Clinic of Neurology, Vodnjanska 17, 1000 Skopje
T: +389 2 111 904
Malagasy Society of Neurology (SMNe)
(Société Malgache de Neurologie), Campus Faculté de médecine
Lot II M99 PR, Antsakaviro, 101 Antananarivo
T: +261340921931
Malaysian Society of Neurosciences
(Persatuan Neurosains Malaysia)
Secretariat - Neurology Laboratory, 6th Floor, South Tower, University of Malaya Medical Centre, 50603 Kuala Lumpur
Mauritania Society of Neurology
(Société Mauritania de Neurologie)
T: +222 4681 4353
Mexican Academy of Neurology
(Academia Mexicana de Neurologia, A.C.)
San Francisco No. 1384, Torre B, 7° piso, Del Valle, Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México, C.P. 03100.
Mongolian Association of Neurologists
Bayangol District, Ard Ayush - 1, post - 49, Ulaanbaatar
Moroccan Society of Neurology
Service de Neurologie, Hôpital des Spécialités, BP 6220 Rabat-Instituts
T: +212 537 683 784
Myanmar Society of Neurology
National Association of Neurologists of the Kyrgyz Republic (NANKR)
T. Moldo st. , 1, Bishkek 720040
National Neurological Society of Uzbekistan
Tashkent Medical Academy, 2 Farobiy Street, Tashkent, 100109
T: +998 71 289 6154, +998 71 268 1744
Nepalese Academy of Neurology
Department of Neurology
Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, 44600 Kathmandu
Netherlands Society of Neurology
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie (NVN)
Mercatorlaan 1200, Postbus 20050, 3528 BL Utrecht
T: +31 (0) 88 500 1900
Neurological Association of New Zealand (NANZ)
Attn: Dr Sarah Buchanan, Department of Neurology
Wellington Regional Hospital
Private Bag 7902, Wellington South, 6242
T: +64 (04) 385-5999
Neurological Association of South Africa
Neurological Association of Zambia (NAZ)
c/o Agatha Muyenga, PO Box 51237, Lusaka
T: +260 977 77 56 62
Neurological Society of Kenya
c/o Prof Dilraj Singh Sokhi
P O Box 47603, Nairobi
Neurological Society of Thailand
7th floor, Royal Golden Jubilee Building, Soi Soonvijai, New Petchburi Road, Huaykwang District, Bangkok 10320
T: +662 716 5901
Neurological Society of Uruguay
(Sociedad de Neurologia del Uruguay)
Neurology Society of Ghana (NSG)
Neurology Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Ghana Medical School, Korle-Bu
Nigerian Society of Neurological Sciences (NSNS)
University of Maiduguri, Teaching Hospital PMB 1414, Maiduguri, Borno State
T: +234 803 598 9698
Norwegian Neurological Association
Norsk Nevrologisk Forening c/o Ida Bakke, Isbjørnveien 39, Bodø, 8029
T: +47 22 11 86 50
Oman Neurology Society
PO BOX: 153, PC: 123, Al Seeb
T: +968 9221 2185
Pakistan Society of Neurology (PSN)
Shara-e Faisal, 706, 7th Floor, Anum Estate, Sharae Faisal, Karachi, Sind, 75400
T: +92 (021) 34310578
Panamanian Society of Neurology & Neurosurgery
Apartado 87-3078, Zona 7, Panama
T: +507 263 7977
Paraguayan Society of Neurology
(Sociedad Paraguaya de Neurologia)
INDEX SACI, Boqueron No. 676 c/ Misiones, Asuncion
T: +595 21 229013
Peruvian Society of Neurology
(Sociedad Peruana de Neurología)
Calle Colon, Calle Colon 110 Oficina 208, Miraflores, Lima, 15074
T: +51 914 181 484
Philippine Neurological Association
Rm. 1006, 10th floor, North Tower, Cathedral Heights Bldg Complex, St Luke’s Medical Center, E Rodriguez Avenue, Quezon City 1102
Polish Neurological Society
Department of Neurology, University of Medical Sciences in Poznan, 49 Przybyszewskiego Street, 60-355 Poznan
T: +48 61 869 1614/1535
Portuguese Society of Neurology
Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia
c/o Paula Nora, Executive Secretary, Travessa Álvaro Castelões, 79-2º Andar-sala 9, Matosinhos
T: +351 933205202
Puerto Rican Academy of Neurology, Inc.
P O Box 70344 CMMS No. 200, San Juan, PR 00936
Qatar Neuroscience Club
Hamad General Hospital, P O Box 3050, Doha
Romanian Society of Neurology
(Societății de Neurologie din România)
Splaiul Independenței, 202 H, block 2 section 1, sc.A, floor 1, ap.6, Sector 6, Bucharest
T: +402 1318 0502
Saudi Neurological Society
PO Box 94656, 11614
T: +966 920 019 393
Senegalese Neurology Society (SNS)
Association de Neurologie du Senegal
Clinique Neurologique, C.H.U. Fann, B.P. 5035, Dakar
T: +221 825 3678
Serbian Society of Neurology
(Društvo Neurologa Srbije)
Military Medical Academy
Department of Neurology Neurology, Crnotravska 17, Belgrade, 11000
T: + 381 11 266 34 70
Slovak Neurological Society
Neurologicka klinika LF SZU
University Hospital Bratislava, Ruzinovska 6, 826 06 Bratislava
T: +421 2 48234756
Slovenian Society of Neurology
University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Division of Neurology, Zaloska cesta 2, 1525 Ljubljana
Society of Cameroonian Neurologists
Central Hospital Yaounde
c/o Neurology Department, PO Box 25625, Yaounde
Society of Neurologists of Bangladesh (SNB)
Room No-1303, 12th Floor, Department of Neurology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka 1000
T: +880-2-9676262 Ex-4629
Society of Neurologists of the Republic of Moldova
Institutul de Neurologie și Neurochirurgie, Strada Vl. Korolenko 2, Chișinău, MD 2028
T: +373 22 737203
Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, Chile
(Sociedad de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y Neurocirugia, Chile)
Carlos Silva 1300, Depto. 22, Providencia, Santiago
T: +56 2 232 9347
Spanish Society of Neurology
(Sociedad Española de Neurología)
C/ Fuerteventura 4. Of. 4., Madrid, 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes
T: +34 667 611 443
Sudanese Society for Neurological Sciences (SSNS)
Swedish Neurological Society
Svenska Neurologforeningen, c/o Johan Zelano
Dept of Neurology
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, 41345 Gothenburg
T: +46 31 342 1000
Swiss Neurological Society
(Société Suisse de Neurologie / Schweizerische Neurologische Gesellschaft), c/o IMK Institute for Medicine and Communication, Münsterberg 1, CH-4001 Basel
T: +41 61 561 53 68
Syrian Society of Neurosciences
Damascus Hospital, Damascus, G72W+25
Taiwan Neurological Society
c/o 17F-2, No. 93, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei, 106
T: +886 2 2362 7626
Tanzanian Neuroscience Association
Muhimbili National Hospital, P.O.Box 3148, Dar-es-Salaam
T: +255 2150603/+255 215129
Togolese Society of Neuroscience
Campus of Université de Lomé, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Lomé, 03 BP 30284
T: +228 22 25 47 39
Tunisian Society of Neurology
Apartment N°C07, 1st floor. Building C. Tunis Carthage Residence., Avenue 14 Janvier, regionale street N°21-Ariana, 2083
T: +216 93 179 678
Turkish Neurological Society
[Türk Nöroloji Dernegi]
Kızılırmak District, 1446 Avenue 12/7, Çukurambar, Ankara
T: +90 312 435 59 92
Uganda Neurology Association
Venezuelan Society of Neurology
(Sociedad Venezolana de Neurologia)
Colegio de Medicos del Estado Miranda, Urbanizacion El Bosque, Quinta 76, Caracas, Capital District, Caracas 1050
Vietnamese Association of Neurology
Department of Neurology, Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi
Yemeni Neuroscience Society (YNS)
T: +967 124 3315