wfn logo.pngMohamed V University Rabat

WFN Teaching Centre and Mohamed V University One-Year Visiting Fellowship in Neurophysiology

The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) and the Department of Neurology of Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco are delighted to announce THREE one-year Visiting Fellow Programs on Neurophysiology for African Neurologists.

Two of the fellowships are sponsored by The International Congress for Neuromuscular Disease (ICNMD) from the proceeds of the congress which took place in 2022, organised by the WFN research group on neuromuscular diseases.

Project description

Mohamed V University would like to support the African Initiative of the WFN by inviting 3 African colleagues to participate in a one-year training course on Neurophysiology. The purpose is to experience the modern Moroccan medical system in an international environment, meet new colleagues and foster future cooperation.
The training course on Neurophysiology at the Department of Neurology, Mohamed V University will include Electromyography, Neuropathies, Muscle Diseases and other Neuromuscular disorders.

Teaching will be conducted in French.


The visit will take place for one academic year from September 2025 to August 2026.

Details about support

The visiting fellow will receive the following support:

  • Reimbursement for one economy flight from the Fellow's country of residence to Rabat and the return journey.
  • Reimbursement of Accommodation for the academic year.
  • A monthly allowance for living expenses (food and beverage) during the academic year.
  • Costs of health insurance and insurance for medical activity during the stay in Morocco (to be arranged by the applicant, the costs will be refunded).
  • The amount of scholarship will be paid to the Moroccan Foundation Against Neurological Diseases which will reimburse the fellow's expenses

Attention: Please note that support is provided for the visiting trainee only, and does not include family or dependents. The WFN is not responsible for financial issues other than related to the project.

Criteria for applications

  • The applicant must be a resident of a low or lower-middle income country from the Sub-Saharan African continent
  • The applicant must be born after 31.12.1981
  • The applicant must have recently completed his/ her neurology training
  • The applicant must be fluent in French

Evaluation Committee

  • WFN

    Professor Steven Lewis, WFN Secretary General, Chair of the Education Committee
    Professor Riadh Gouider, WFN Education Committee Co-Chair 

  • Rabat Training Center

    Professor Nazha Birouk, Mohamed V University
    Professor Maria Benabdeljlil, Mohamed V University
    Professor Aidi Sadia, Mohamed V University

  • AFAN

    Professor Lawrence Tucker, AFAN Acting President
    Professor Osheik Seidi, AFAN Representative



Deadline for application: Friday, 25th April 2025 

For any questions regarding the application, please contact Mrs Jade Levy (Project Manager) by email at