WFN Member Societies

The World Federation of Neurology was formed in Brussels in 1957, as an association of national neurological societies.  Today WFN represents 124 professional societies in all regions of the world, and each society registers its own individual member neurologists with us. 

Click here for a full list of WFN Member Societies


Becoming a WFN Member Society

Applications from societies that do not yet belong are always welcome and should be sent in the first instance to the London Office.

To apply, please provide:

  1. An e-mail/letter which asserts that your society is the main representative body for neurology in your country (and to advise if there are other neurological societies);
  2. Documentation to show that your society is either recognised by and/or registered with the government authority responsible for health or a non-government professional/umbrella organisation;
  3. A copy of your society's constitution or bye-laws in English;
  4. Names, addresses, contact details of the office bearers (telephone, fax and e-mail) and names of the members with contact details (telephone, fax and e-mail);
  5. Minimum of 5 neurologists.