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AAN-WFN Continuum Education Programme

Wolters KluwerThe American Academy of Neurology, along with its publisher, Wolters Kluwer, generously donate print issues of and online access to Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology for neurology education in countries with limited resources. More than 40 countries currently participate in this collaboration, and eligibility is based on country income.

Education coordinators, who are appointed by their local neurologic societies, are responsible for the organisation of the programme in their countries. Coordinator-led discussions groups give participants an opportunity to engage with their peers and reinforce information learned through Continuum to enhance their clinical practices. The progress of these programmes are monitored by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) through participant evaluations, and all programmes are expected to submit these evaluations in order to continue participating in the programme.

For more information about the AAN-WFN Continuum Education Programme, or participating countries and their coordinators, please contact Helen Gallagher at

For more information on Continuum, please visit

For more information about the American Academy of Neurology, please visit

Login and Password

Education coordinators have been issued with individual logins and passwords to access Continuum online. If you are an education coordinator and have not received your individual login and password, have forgotten or lost this information, or are experiencing a problem with the information provided, please contact Helen Gallagher at and she will be able to assist you.

Discussion Group Guidelines

The latest discussion group guidelines are available for download.

Participant Evaluations

Education coordinators are responsible for completing and submitting participant evaluations to ensure their societies' continued participation in the programme. Please send your participant evaluations to the as soon as possible after your group meetings via fax: +44 208 450 5671 or by email to


Certificates are awarded once yearly to the individual participants who return evaluation forms completed with comments and who are members of the national neurological society. There is also a separate certificate for leaders of discussion groups. Please ensure you send the correct information for certificates to the WFN CME Office.