WFN Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Council of Delegates Meeting 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the World Federation of Neurology and Council of Delegates will take place on Wednesday, 25th September 2024.  The meeting will be held entirely virtually. 

WFN Elections 2024

On 1st March, 2024, the Nominating Committee of the WFN invited member societies to put forward candidates for nomination for the position of one Elected Trustee (three-year term).

Click here to view Candidates

Invitations to register to attend the AGM COD Meeting and to vote will be sent out the week beginning Monday, 24th June 2024.

Register to attend the AGM

Voting will take place from Monday, 26 August to Friday 13th September 2024. Click here for more information on the WFN e-voting process.