WFN Medals

Every two years in the lead up to the World Congress of Neurology the WFN calls for nominations from members societies for suitable recipients of one of two WFN medals recognising Service to International Neurology and Scientific Achievement in Neurology.  

The WFN also awards the Lifetime Achievement Award on an ad hoc basis to honourees who have achieved particularly notable achievements throughout their distinguished careers. In 2021, an award for Meritorious Service to the WFN — for a member or employee of a WFN Member Society who has given exemplary service to the WFN — was established.

The Ted Munsat Award is jointly awarded by the AAN and WFN recognising an individual’s educational contributions to the WFN.

In 2025, WFN Medals will be awarded for the following:

  • Service to International Neurology
  • Scientific Achievement in Neurology 
  • Ted Munsat Award

Past Award Recipients



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Eligibility and nomination rules


Meritorious Service to WFN

Scientific Achievement in Neurology

Service to International Neurology

Ted Munsat Award

Eligibility (Who can be awarded)

Any member or employee of a WFN Member Society that has performed outstanding service to WFN.

Anyone who has made an outstanding scientific achievement in neurology.

Anyone who has performed an outstanding service to international neurology.

People engaged in neurological educational activities in acknowledgement of Dr Munsat’s contribution to the same.

Nominator eligibility (Who can nominate)

A financial* Member Society.


Nominations may be made by WFN Member Societies or by individual members of a Member Society; they should be seconded by at least five neurologists, at least three of whom should be from other WFN member societies.

Nominations may be made by WFN Member Societies or by individual members of a Member Society; they should be seconded by at least five neurologists, at least three of whom should be from other WFN member societies.

Nominations may be made by WFN Member Societies or by individual members of a Member Society.

*Up to date on dues to WFN

Required statements

Up to 300 words.

Up to 300 words.

Up to 300 words.

Up to 300 words.


Two medals will be awarded at each World Congress, with due regard to gender diversity.

One medal at each World Congress and 3000 USD.

One medal at each World Congress and 3000 USD.

One certificate at each World Congress and 1000 USD.

Medal Committee

President of the WFN and sub-committee made of WFN Trustees.

President of the WFN and two WFN Trustees of the President’s choice.

President of the WFN and two WFN Trustees of the President’s choice.

Awardee decided upon by WFN Trustees



Procedure and guidelines for Nomination of Candidates for Biennial WFN Medals for Scientific Achievement and International Service

  1. Any neurologist from a Member Society of the WFN may submit names of nominees with appropriate documentation for these two awards. Documentation should include a 300-word citation for the nominee.
  2. Nominations must be submitted to the Secretary General of the WFN for consideration by the Medal committee (see #7 below).
  3. The deadline for submission will be less than 1 year before the opening of the biennial World Congress of Neurology and will be posted on the WFN website
  4. Medals are for sustained and significant contributions to either international neurology or scientific achievement in neurology leading to improved understanding of neurological disease process or treatment
  5. Medals cannot be awarded posthumously.
  6. Past-Presidents of the WFN are not eligible.
  7. The WFN President will appoint a Medal committee that s/he may chair. Final approval of the awards is by the WFN President and the Board of Trustees.  
  8. The ceremony for conferring the Medals will take place during the World Congress of Neurology.
  9. On a given year the committee may consider not to make an award.
  10. The award will include a Medal, an honorarium, and economy travel reimbursement.*


*According to the general rules for invited speakers for the WCN, with the cost being covered by the WFN.

Modified by the Board of Trustees May 2021 and updated March 2025.