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James B Dyck

Immune Neuropathies

P. James B. Dyck, M.D
Chair of the ICNMD

P. James B. Dyck, M.D. is a consultant in Neurology and a Professor of Neurology at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN.  Jim received his medical doctorate from the University of Minnesota; did a neurology residency at Washington University, St. Louis, MO; and did peripheral nerve, EMG and research fellowships at the Mayo Clinic.  In 1999, he joined the neurology faculty at Mayo Clinic. 

Jim is director of the Neuromuscular (Peripheral Nerve) Pathology Laboratory; the head of the peripheral nerve section; and chair of the International Congress of Neuromuscular Medical Diseases (ICNDM) which held its last meeting in Brussels (2022) and its next meeting in Perth (2024).  He is the vice president of the International Consortium of Diabetic Neuropathy (ICDN) through the Peripheral Neuropathy Society (PNS) and  the past chair of the United Council of Neurologic Subspecialties (UCNS) Examination Committee for certification in clinical neuromuscular pathology.  He is a member of the American Neurological Association and is a fellow of the American Academy of Neurology and has taught at many of their courses.

Overall Jim has published over 180 peer-reviewed papers and is a coeditor of the textbook Companion to Peripheral Neuropathy.  His main research interests have focused on the clinical features, pathology and treatment of inflammatory diabetic neuropathies most specifically diabetic (DLRPN) and non-diabetic (LRPN) lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy.  Jim helped recognize that peripheral neuropathies occur from malnutrition after bariatric (weight loss) surgery and described a new form of sensory CIDP (chronic inflammatory sensory polyradiculopathy [CISP]) confined to sensory nerve roots.  In a multi-disciplinary approach, Jim has used high resolution MRI to identify focal proximal nerve lesions (root, plexus or nerve) that are then biopsied.  This targeted fascicular nerve biopsy approach represents a major advance in diagnosis and management of focal neuropathies.  He helped recognize that an inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy occurred among pork plant workers as an autoimmune reaction to aerosolized porcine brains. Jim was involved in the observation that not all neuropathies occurring after surgery are due to compression or stretch and some are secondary to an inflammatory attack and really are "post-surgical inflammatory neuropathies".    

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