IGAP strategic objectives and global targets


Strategic Objective 1
Raise policy prioritization and strengthen governance

Global target 1.1

75% of countries will have adapted or updated existing national policies, strategies, plans or frameworks to include neurological disorders by 2031.

Global target 1.2

100% of countries will have at least one functioning awareness campaign or advocacy programme for neurological disorders by 2031.


Strategic Objective 2
Provide effective, timely and responsive diagnosis, treatment and care

Global target 2.1

75% of countries will have included neurological disorders in the UHC benefits package by 2031.

Global target 2.2

80% of countries will provide the essential medicines and basic technologies required to manage neurological disorders in primary care by 2031.


Strategic Objective 3
Implement strategies for promotion and prevention

Global target 3.1

80% of countries will have at least one functioning intersectoral programme for brain health promotion and the prevention of neurological disorders across the life course by 2031.

Global target 3.2

The global targets relevant for prevention of neurological disorders are achieved, as defined in:

– the NCD-GAP;
– Defeating meningitis by 2030: a global road map; and
– Every newborn: an action plan to end preventable deaths.


Strategic Objective 4
Foster research and innovation and strengthen information systems

Global target 4.1

80% of countries routinely collect and report on a core set of indicators for neurological disorders through their national health data and information systems at least every three years by 2031.

Global target 4.2

The output of global research on neurological disorders doubles by 2031.


Strategic Objective 5
Strengthen the public health approach to epilepsy

Global target 5.1

By 2031, countries will have increased service coverage for epilepsy by 50% from the current coverage in 2021.

Global target 5.2

80% of countries will have developed or updated their legislation with a view to promoting and protecting the human rights of people with epilepsy by 2031.