LONDON, July 19, 2022 -- July 22 is devoted to Brain Health for All for World Brain Day (WBD). This year, in a free webinar, the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) is featuring leading experts from regional and global organizations who are prioritizing brain health, including the World Health Organization (WHO).
Registration is now open for the free 2022 World Brain Day webinar. Join WFN on Friday, July 22 at 12:00 PM GMT as experts gather to focus on Brain Health for All in an effort to optimize brain health and reduce the global burden of neurological disorders. This is the perfect way to action the recently adopted Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders 2022–2031 (IGAP) by WHO with a global united force.
In May, WHO's World Health Assembly adopted IGAP to improve access to care and treatment for neurological disorders, while promoting brain health and preventing brain disorders.
Despite growing threats to brain health, there is limited policy response and access to services to promote and optimize brain health for all,
With the new Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders 2022-2031, WHO Member States are committed to address this..Dr. Tarun Dua, Unit Head of the Brain Health Unit at WHO
Prof. Wolfgang Grisold, WFN President, and Prof. Tissa Wijeratne and Prof. David Dodick, World Brain Day Co-Chairs, will begin the webinar by sharing why Brain Health for All is the focus of this year's theme and will conclude the webinar by hosting a live question and answer session for attendees.
Brain disorders are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death,
We need to highlight the need for quality brain health globally by supporting the implementation of brain health in national health policies and ensuring access to appropriate and timely diagnosis, treatment and care for everyone.
Prof. Grisold, President of WFN
The mission of this year's initiative is to begin a worldwide conversation that sparks urgency through five key messages:
Together, we can inspire action, strive for better resources and access, and drive policy change through the power of information,
There is so much more that can be done on the individual, community and global levels to optimize the health of the brain and minimize the personal, family and societal impact that brain disorders are causing.David Dodick, MD, Emeritus Professor of Neurology at Mayo Clinic and World Brain Day Co-Chair.
WFN is welcoming each of its six Regional Association Presidents who will discuss initiatives to improve brain health:
Additionally, the webinar will feature medical and patient advocacy leaders, including: Dr. Tarun Dua, Unit Head of the Brain Health Unit at WHO; Prof. Matilde Leonardi, Director Neurology in the Public Health, Disability Unit and Coma Research Centre Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico C.Besta; Prof. Sheila Martins, President-Elect of the World Stroke Organization; and Dr. Orla Galvin, Executive Director of European Federation of Neurological Associations.
Brain disorders affect billions of people worldwide and are the leading cause of disability,
This year's exceptional speakers will help to increase awareness of what it means to maintain a healthy brain and an understanding of the brain's important role for humanity.Prof. Tissa Wijeratne, World Brain Day Co-Chair
Stay up-to-date on this year's WBD activities by following WFN on social media (@wfneurology) or by visiting Join WFN in promoting Brain Health for All on social media by using hashtags #WorldBrainDay, #WBD2022 and #BrainHeathforAll.
Join us in our mission for Brain Health for All by registering for the free World Brain Day webinar and live Q&A.
With support from its 123 neurological Member Societies, the World Federation of Neurology fosters quality neurology and brain health worldwide by promoting neurological education and training, with an emphasis in under-resourced regions.
As a non-State actor in official relations, WFN supports the World Health Organization (WHO) efforts to give everyone an equal chance to live a healthy life.
Ryan Pollock, Yakkety Yak