JNS-cover.jpgJournal of Neurological Sciences

Vol 469 | 15 February 2025

Editorial Board

  • Published in issue: February 15, 2025
  • 123406
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Basic Research Papers

A spectrum of neurological diseases with elevated cerebrospinal fluid adenosine deaminase levels

A spectrum of neurological diseases with elevated cerebrospinal fluid adenosine deaminase levels

Hideo Handa, Akiyuki Uzawa, Atsuhiko Sugiyama, ... Akio Kimura, Takayoshi Shimohata, Satoshi Kuwabara

Clinical features of FOSMN syndrome in Korea: A comparative analysis with bulbar-onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Clinical features of FOSMN syndrome in Korea: A comparative analysis with bulbar-onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Woohee Ju, Young Gi Min, Jong-Su Kim, ... Yoon-Ho Hong, Seok-Jin Choi, Jung-Joon Sung

The prognostic role of iron deficiency in acute ischemic stroke patients: A prospective multicentric cohort study

The prognostic role of iron deficiency in acute ischemic stroke patients: A prospective multicentric cohort study

Antonio Ciacciarelli, Anne Falcou, Ettore Nicolini, ... Cristina Ranchicchio, Manuela De Michele, Danilo Toni

Should antinuclear antibodies (ANA) be used to screen for connective tissue disease in neurological patients?

Should antinuclear antibodies (ANA) be used to screen for connective tissue disease in neurological patients?

Erez Magiel, Yuval Kozlov, Tomer Goldberg, ... Abdualla Watad, Omer Gendelman, Saar Anis

Epidemiology and treatment trends for acute encephalopathy under the impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic based on a prospective multicenter consecutive case registry

Epidemiology and treatment trends for acute encephalopathy under the impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic based on a prospective multicenter consecutive case registry

Shoichi Tokumoto, Masahiro Nishiyama, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, ... Taku Nakagawa, Go Kawano, Hiroaki Nagase

Does age, sex, and area of substantia nigra echogenicity predict the MRI appearance of nigrosome-1?

Does age, sex, and area of substantia nigra echogenicity predict the MRI appearance of nigrosome-1?

Minh T. Chau, Marc Agzarian, Robert A. Wilcox, Gabrielle Todd

Geographical location of ischemic stroke patients affects thrombolysis availability in Denmark

Geographical location of ischemic stroke patients affects thrombolysis availability in Denmark

E.H. Mortensen, J. Wenstrup, S.N.F. Blomberg, C. Kruuse, H.C. Christensen

Overcoming barriers in global neurological care: A call for innovation and policy change

M.Z. Ihsan, Dony Apriatama, Pithriani, Riza Amalia

Overcoming barriers in Global Neurological Care: A call for innovation and policy change by Ishan MZ et al: Response to Ishan MZ et al and an appreciation of the potential value of the World Federation of Neurology Needs Registry Survey 2021

William M. Carroll, Wolgfgang Grisold

Multiple sclerosis twin study reveals distinct genetic, disease-specific, and psychometric impact on coping with critical life events

Multiple sclerosis twin study reveals distinct genetic, disease-specific, and psychometric impact on coping with critical life events

Daniel Engels, Andrea Flierl-Hecht, Gabriela Shalaginova, ... Frank Padberg, Tania Kümpfel, Lisa Ann Gerdes

Baseline predictors of cross-sectional and longitudinal performance on the symbol digit modalities test in individuals with multiple sclerosis

Niveditha Gopalakrishnan, Margaret Cadden, Lindsay Barker, ... Tanuja Chitnis, Howard L. Weiner, Bonnie I. Glanz

Effectiveness, safety, and impact on multiple sclerosis course of anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies

Effectiveness, safety, and impact on multiple sclerosis course of anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies

Viviana Nociti, Marina Romozzi, Pietro Annovazzi, ... Paolo Calabresi, Catello Vollono, Eleonora Cocco

In vivo imaging markers of glymphatic dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Analysis of ALPS index and choroid plexus volume

In vivo imaging markers of glymphatic dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Analysis of ALPS index and choroid plexus volume

Yangsean Choi, Hee-Jae Jung, Ha-Kyung Jung, ... Eun-Jae Lee, Young-Min Lim, Hyunjin Kim

Mood disorders in patients with motor neuron disease and frontotemporal symptoms: Validation of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for use in motor neuron disease

Mood disorders in patients with motor neuron disease and frontotemporal symptoms: Validation of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for use in motor neuron disease

Veronica Faltracco, Debora Pain, Eleonora Dalla Bella, ... Barbara Poletti, Giuseppe Lauria, Monica Consonni


Clinical Short Communications


Diagnosing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: Positive predictive value of CSF JC virus quantitative PCR and importance of recognizing suggestive neuroimaging findings

Diagnosing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: Positive predictive value of CSF JC virus quantitative PCR and importance of recognizing suggestive neuroimaging findings

Ryan Zhou, Kamala Sangam, Ana Cabrera, ... Michael Silverman, Manas Sharma, Adrian Budhram

The impact of white matter lesions and subclinical cerebral ischemia on postoperative cognitive training outcomes after heart valve surgery: A randomized clinical trial

Marius Butz, Tibo Gerriets, Gebhard Sammer, ... Yeong-Hoon Choi, Markus Schoenburg, Martin Juenemann

A subgroup of multiple system atrophy with rapid decline in vital capacity

A subgroup of multiple system atrophy with rapid decline in vital capacity

So Okubo, Kenta Orimo, Takashi Matsukawa, ... Wataru Satake, Jun Mitsui, Tatsushi Toda


Letters to the Editor

A serial case report of hospitalized patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease due to coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 in Brazil: A four-year profile

Adriele Evelyn Ferreira Silva, Patrícia Teixeira Costa, Lucas Silva Mello, Luiz Felipe Azevedo Marques, Vinícius Santiago dos Santos, Fernando Augusto Lima Marson

Charcot-Marie-tooth disease type 1 phenotype in a family with a novel myelin protein zero variant

Charcot-Marie-tooth disease type 1 phenotype in a family with a novel myelin protein zero variant

Maria Moschou, Vasiliki Poulidou, Eleni Liouta, Georgia Pepe, Vasileios K. Kimiskidis, Marianthi Arnaoutoglou