Benefits and challenges of maintaining riluzole over the course of the disease

Authors:  Vincenzo Silani

Editor's Choice
Journal of the Neurological Sciences.  REVIEW ARTICLE|  VOLUME 461, 123038, JUNE 15, 2024


The regular and consistent administration of medication – taken accurately and as prescribed by the treating physician – is a cornerstone of chronic disease management. Multiple analyses have demonstrated that non-adherence to medication is associated with suboptimal health outcomes. However, the reasons contributing to non-adherence are complex and varied. Furthermore, adherence – the extent to which a patient's behaviour aligns with their physician's prescribing instructions – is not the only factor when considering continuity of treatment.

A chronic disease that remains undetected or mis-diagnosed, for example, cannot be treated until the condition is successfully identified. And in some settings – particularly progressive and neurodegenerative illnesses – maintaining treatment continuity can be difficult despite a willingness to adhere due to the practical challenges presented by the patient's symptoms, functional decline and requirement for external assistance