WFN President at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for EuropeThe World Federation of Neurology President Prof. Wolfgang Grisold met with ministers of health and representatives from 53 countries across the WHO European Region at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe ⧉ on 12–14 September 2022, in Tel Aviv, Israel.  

The Regional Committee is WHO/Europe’s decision-making body and the annual gathering is the premier meeting on public health in the European Region, convening health ministers, heads of state and government, and other dignitaries to discuss and endorse regional policies, activities and financial plans to improve people’s health and well-being.

This year’s session, hosted by the Israeli Ministry of Health, was the first to be held in person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting focused on priority health areas that will drive the work of the WHO Regional Office for Europe in the coming years, including: 

  • State of health in Europe
  • Emerging infections (monkey pox, Polio)
  • Behavioural and cultural insight
  • Disabilities
  • Digital health action plan:
  • Strengthen health emergency preparedness
  • Special session: long Covid
  • Special session: Aging

Action on alcohol The WFN is active in relations with the WHO. Prof. Grisold utilised this opportunity to discuss the above topics and neurological issues face to face with policy makers in the region.