XXVII Brazilian Congress of Neurology

27 Aug 2016 to 31 Aug 2016


The XXVII Brazilian Congress of Neurology, organized by the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN), will be held in the city of Belo Horizonte, from 27 to 31 August 2016. The organizing committee of the XXVII Congress is formed by Drs. Paul Caramelli (President) Francisco Cardoso (Secretary and Scientific Director) and Rosamaria Peixoto Guimarães (Treasurer). The commission set up has the support of the Mining Society of Neurology (regional chapter of ABN), as well as all scientific departments of ABN.

Since the end of the Brazilian Congress of Neurology 2014, held in Curitiba (PR), the committee has held regular meetings and worked with great commitment in organizing the event. The official program has been outlined, with pre-congress courses, plenary lectures, roundtables and workshops with the participation of numerous national and international guests, besides the presentation of oral free topics and posters. Our firm proposal is to organize a high-level medical-scientific event, which is attractive to all the country's neurologists, both for those who develop predominant care activities, and for those working in academic settings.

This is the main national neurological meeting, which occurs every two years, and gathers over 4,000 colleagues. The 2016 edition includes 16 pre-congress courses, 18 plenary conferences and 36 roundtables, covering a wide diversity of topics within the neurological field. There will also be a large session for presentation and discussion of challenging clinical cases and another one on the neurological complications of zika virus infection. We shall also have over 1,200 works presented as posters or in oral sessions. Among the congress faculty, we will have 12 international guest speakers and almost 300 Brazilian colleagues. 


Congress Secretariat

CCM Worldwide Medical Congress
Capital 4007 2249
Other locations 55 51 3086 9100


Expominas Belo Horizonte
Av Amazonas, 6030
Belo Horizonte

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