Speaker: Riadh Gouider (Tunisia)
Free registration at www.neurologycourses.com/user/registration
Each talk will be followed by 3 interesting cases. Please email any interesting cases to the moderators.
Program dedicated to Prof Jagjit Singh Chopra
Date |
Speaker |
Country |
Topic |
18 July |
Hector Garcia |
Peru |
Neurocysticercosis |
25 July |
Erich Schmutzhard |
Austria |
CerebraL MaLaria |
01 August |
Marco Tulia Medina |
Honduras |
Zika and other Arboviruses |
08 August |
Riadh Gouider |
Tunisia |
Neurobrucellosis |
15 August |
Serefnur Ozturk |
Turkey |
Encephalitis |
22 August |
Jeremy Day |
Vietnam |
Cryptacoccasis |
29 August |
Avindra Nath |
Approach to Neuro Infections |
05 September |
Joseph Berger |
Fungal Infections of CNS |
Course Director: Chandrashekhar Meshram, President, TGNSG, (drmeshram@hotmaiLcom)
Moderators: Gagandeep Singh, Secretary IAN liansecretary@gmaiL.com), Rahul Kulkarni: Convener, Tropical Neurology Subsection of IAN (rahulneuro@gmail.com)
Scientific Advisors: Roop Gursahani & Sudhir Kothari ITrustees, FINE)