14th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD2016)

5 Jul 2016 to 9 Jul 2016


Welcome message from the Congress President, Dr. Vera Bril

It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to join us at the next International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases to be held in Toronto from July 5 – 9, 2016. We are very excited to be hosting this important conference in Toronto as the Congress has been located in Europe for its meetings excepting the inaugural meeting in Vancouver in 2002. We hope to follow in the successful footsteps of the meetings in Vancouver, Istanbul, Naples and Nice. At the meeting in Nice in 2014, it was decided that the Congress would move to a two-year cycle instead of meeting every four years. At that meeting, Toronto won the bid to host the next International Congress in 2016.

We have developed robust committees: International, program and local organizing, that are populated by outstanding neuromuscular physicians. The program committee is planning a fabulous program ranging across the spectrum of neuromuscular disorders. We will have sessions on muscular dystrophies, other myopathies, myasthenia gravis, polyneuropathies, spinal cord disorders, genetics, ultrasound and neurofibromatosis to name some of the major themes within the Congress. We will have updates on our understanding of the genetics, pathogenesis, evaluation and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. At the end of this Congress, we hope that attendees feel that they have garnered the most up-to-date information available in neuromuscular disorders.

The members of the local organizing committee are very proud to be hosting the ICNMD2016 and look forward to welcoming you to our city and country. Toronto and its environs are an amazing place to visit. Our multicultural city has many diverse neighborhoods of interest to visitors. Short distances away are wonderful attractions such as Niagara Falls. We also have easy access to the North Country for those who are interested in visiting the Canadian wilderness. The meeting promises to be highly rewarding on a social basis as well as on an intellectual basis.

Please mark in your calendars the dates of the ICNMD2016, July 5 – 9, 2016, so that you may join your colleagues in what we hope will be a fantastic meeting.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: Extended to 18 March 2016

Poster Abstract Notifications and Interesting Neuromuscular Case Notifications Deadline: 1 April 2016

Early Bird Registration Deadline: 15 April 2016


Congress Secretariat

International Conference Services, Ltd.
Suite 300, 1201 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC, V6E 2V2

Tel. [+1] 604 681 2153

Fax [+1] 604 681 1049

Email: ICNMD2016@icsevents.com

Web: www.icsevents.com


Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel
123 Queen Street West
M5H 3M9