13 Oct 2021 to 15 Oct 2021


ECTRIMS 2021 Congress will be a fully digital experience

ECTRIMS 2021 will be an outstanding digital experience that provides interaction and engagement while showcasing high-quality science through presentations of many new research studies, clinical trials, and live discussions with the experts. The scientific programme committee is currently working on adapting the programme to best accommodate the needs of a digital congress and that will be available to you soon. The digital environment will also make it easier for you to meet colleagues and friends from around the globe, and view and discuss their latest developments with our industry partners.

ECTRIMS 2021 is this year’s most anticipated gathering of professionals in the field of MS and you can now take part from the comfort of your home or office and experience the new digital platform in October 2021.


Congress Secretariat

c/o Congrex Switzerland Ltd.
Reinacherstrasse 131
4053 Basel / Switzerland
T: +41 61 686 77 77
F: +41 61 686 77 88


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