The European Stroke Conference (ESC) celebrates its 25th Conference in Venice, Italy in 2016 with an exciting programme, many NEWS and HIGHLIGHTS in structure and topics!
In the tradition of the ESC the ESC will keep what made the conference so outstanding and worth to attend, e.g. an international forum for presentation and discussion of original research in oral and electronic poster sessions: New E-Poster Workshops will open for an improved Author-Expert-Audience communication. The European Stroke Conference presents joint sessions with international societies representing European Cardiology, Hypertension, NeuroRehabilitation, etc. Expert Rounds will tackle difficult issues of patient care not covered by evidence based guidelines. DAILY STROKE NEWS during breakfast time will provide Take-Home Messages.
You are invited to submit your abstracts to the ESC 2016.
Click here to see the Topics on the Call for Abstracts flyer
Abstract Submission Deadline: 17 December 2015
Click here for more information about how to submit your Abstract
Registration for the conference is required. Click here for more information about how to Register
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 15 February 2016
Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
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