Astra Travel d.o.o.
Svetozara Markovića 4, Beograd 11000, Srbija
tel: +381 11 2622 104
fax: +381 11 2622 105
The 25th ESNCH Conference in Belgrade, Serbia will take place on October 15-17, 2021.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ESNCH will closely monitor the epidemiological situation and if needed, will organize a hybrid (live and virtual) or a completely virtual conference.
This event is organized in cooperation with the National Society of Neuroangiology of Serbia, Society of Serbian Neurologists, Neurology Clinic of the University Clinical Center of Serbia and Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade and endorsed by the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), European Stroke Organization (ESO) and European Federation of Neurorehabilitation Societies (EFNRS).
The ESNCH Conference is aimed at providing a very high level of scientific and practical knowledge in the fields of neurosonology, cerebral hemodynamics and related disciplines. These topics of scientific and clinical importance will be presented by the leading European and local experts.
In addition to the training, comradeship, exchanging of ideas, fruitful collaborations and the forging of new ties, all participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the hospitality, history and beauty of Belgrade (White City) – one of the oldest cities in Europe.
Participants who already sent their abstracts for 2020 are very welcome to present them but we also invite you to send abstracts of your new projects that were finalized during the conference post-ponement period.
Important deadlines
September 5th - Abstract Submission Deadline
October 8th - Online registration
October 15th - Onsite Registration
Astra Travel d.o.o.
Svetozara Markovića 4, Beograd 11000, Srbija
tel: +381 11 2622 104
fax: +381 11 2622 105