JNS-cover.jpgJournal of Neurological Sciences

Vol 463 | 15 August 2024

Editorial Board

  • Published in issue: August 15, 2024
  • 123181
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Headache management in traumatic brain injury

Parisa Teli, Niaz Islam, Axel Petzold

Basic Research Papers

Developing education in environmental health and medicine focusing on neurology: Initiatives in Sweden (the UPRISE model), France, and Turkey

Shala Ghaderi Berntsson, J. Reis, Z. Tulek, ...V. Selander, Y. Söderfeldt, A.M. Landtblom

Development and validation of a claims-based algorithm to identify patients with Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum disorder

Development and validation of a claims-based algorithm to identify patients with Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum disorder

Anisha M. Patel, Alex Exuzides, Irina Yermilov, ... Stanley Cohan, Benjamin Greenberg, Michael Levy

Clinical utility of the Lumipulse™ immunoassay for plasma neurofilament light chain in multiple sclerosis

Clinical utility of the Lumipulse™ immunoassay for plasma neurofilament light chain in multiple sclerosis

Valerio Nicolella, Mariano Fiorenza, Isabel Monteiro, ... Vincenzo Brescia Morra, Daniela Terracciano, Marcello Moccia

Medication refractory restless legs syndrome: Real-world experience

Peyman Petramfar, Joseph Jankovic

High levels of neurofilament light and YKL-40 in cerebrospinal fluid are related to poor outcome in ALS

High levels of neurofilament light and YKL-40 in cerebrospinal fluid are related to poor outcome in ALS

Christoffer Rosén, Bernardo Mitre, Bengt Nellgård, ... Gustav Nilsson, Henrik Zetterberg, Hans Rosén

The yield of genetic workup for middle-aged and elderly patients with neurological disorders in a real-world setting

Noga Lempel, Shahar Shelly, Odelia Chorin, ... Amir Dori, Elon Pras, Lior Greenbaum

Deep learning of Parkinson's movement from video, without human-defined measures

Deep learning of Parkinson's movement from video, without human-defined measures

Jiacheng Yang, Stefan Williams, David C. Hogg, Jane E. Alty, Samuel D. Relton

Predicting impaired cerebrovascular reactivity and risk of hyperperfusion syndrome in carotid artery stenosis using BeamSAT magnetic resonance imaging

Predicting impaired cerebrovascular reactivity and risk of hyperperfusion syndrome in carotid artery stenosis using BeamSAT magnetic resonance imaging

Yusuke Ikeuchi, Masaaki Kohta, Shunsuke Yamashita, ... Kohkichi Hosoda, Eiji Kohmura, Takashi Sasayama

von Willebrand factor antigen, von Willebrand factor propeptide and ADAMTS13 activity in TIA or ischaemic stroke patients changing antiplatelet therapy

D.R. Smith, S.T. Lim, S.J.X. Murphy, ... J.S. O'Donnell, J.M. O'Sullivan, D.J.H. McCabe

Mobile stroke units: Beyond thrombolysis

Mobile stroke units: Beyond thrombolysis

Neeharika Krothapalli, David Hasan, Jay Lusk, ... Adam de Havenon, James Grotta, Brian Mac Grory

Association of dysphagia severity in multiple system atrophy with the specific binding ratio on dopamine transporter SPECT

Takahide Wada, Keizo Sugaya, Yuri Asano, ... Shinsuke Tobisawa, Toshio Shimizu, Kazushi Takahashi

Prion diseases, always a threat?

Prion diseases, always a threat?

Yuji Saitoh, Hidehiro Mizusawa

Sleep apnea after stroke: A novel target

Sleep apnea after stroke: A novel target

Pavel Šiarnik

An introduction to environmental neurotoxicology: Lessons from a clinical perspective

J. Reis, P.S. Spencer

Safety of fingolimod in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: A descriptive analysis of data from the EudraVigilance database

Safety of fingolimod in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: A descriptive analysis of data from the EudraVigilance database

Victoria Nikitina, Greta Santi Laurini, Nicola Montanaro, Domenico Motola

COVID-19 vaccination and involuntary movements: A longitudinal panel study

COVID-19 vaccination and involuntary movements: A longitudinal panel study

Casper Mailund Nielsen, Bodil Hammer Bech, Stefan Nygaard Hansen, ... Per Fink, Sanne Marie Thysen, Dorte Rytter

Global impact of a virtual neurology morning report

Global impact of a virtual neurology morning report

María J. Alemán, Valeria Roldan, Gabriela F. Pucci, John C. Penner, Saman Nematollahi, Aaron L. Berkowitz

Intraoperative DBS targeting of the globus pallidus internus by using motor evoked potentials

Intraoperative DBS targeting of the globus pallidus internus by using motor evoked potentials

Carlos Trenado, Petyo Nikolov, Philipp J. Slotty, Jan Vesper, Alfons Schnitzler, Stefan Jun Groiss

High levels of plasma neurofilament light chain correlated with brainstem and peripheral nerve damage

High levels of plasma neurofilament light chain correlated with brainstem and peripheral nerve damage

Takumi Nakamura, Takeshi Kawarabayashi, Makoto Shibata, ... Masamitsu Takatama, Yoshio Ikeda, Mikio Shoji

Long-term outcomes of patients affected by Guillain-Barré syndrome in Colombia after the Zika virus epidemic

Long-term outcomes of patients affected by Guillain-Barré syndrome in Colombia after the Zika virus epidemic

David Acero-Garces, Daniela Zuluaga-Lotero, Daniela Ortiz-Muñoz, ... Carlos A. Pardo, Beatriz Parra

Kappa index in the diagnostic work-up of autoimmune encephalitis

Kappa index in the diagnostic work-up of autoimmune encephalitis

Giulia De Napoli, Matteo Gastaldi, Patrizia Natali, ... Martina Cardi, Stefano Meletti, Diana Ferraro

Dysrhythmia as a prominent feature of Parkinson's disease: An app-based tapping test

Dysrhythmia as a prominent feature of Parkinson's disease: An app-based tapping test

Luca Marsili, Jesus Abanto, Abhimanyu Mahajan, ... Heba A. Deraz, Alberto J. Espay, Matteo Bologna

Negative features of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Motor neurons of Onuf's nucleus survive in ADAR2-conditional knockout mice

Negative features of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Motor neurons of Onuf's nucleus survive in ADAR2-conditional knockout mice

Takuto Hideyama, Sayaka Teramoto, Haruhisa Kato, Hiroo Terashi, Shin Kwak, Hitoshi Aizawa

Assessing the influence of neurology Residency's social media presence on Applicants' decision to apply to US residency training programs

Cleo Zarina Reyes, Ibrahim Laswi, Erafat Rehim, Hussam A. Yacoub, Megan C. Leary

Polygenic susceptibility for multiple sclerosis is associated with working memory in low-performing young adults

Polygenic susceptibility for multiple sclerosis is associated with working memory in low-performing young adults

J. Petrovska, D. Coynel, V. Freytag, D.J.-F. de Quervain, A. Papassotiropoulos

Indications for a brain biopsy in neurological diseases of unknown etiology: The role of magnetic resonance imaging findings and liquid biopsy in yielding definitive pathological diagnoses

Indications for a brain biopsy in neurological diseases of unknown etiology: The role of magnetic resonance imaging findings and liquid biopsy in yielding definitive pathological diagnoses

Toshiya Kizaki, Masato Kanazawa, Takanobu Ishiguro, ... Akiyoshi Kakita, Yukihiko Fujii, Osamu Onodera

Psychometric properties of MG-ADL items and MG-ADL score: An assessment of distributional characteristics, validity and factor structure in two large datasets

Psychometric properties of MG-ADL items and MG-ADL score: An assessment of distributional characteristics, validity and factor structure in two large datasets

Mathieu F. Janssen, Sarah Dewilde, Gil I. Wolfe, Srikanth Muppidi, Glenn Phillips

Chorioretinopathy presenting as bitemporal hemianopia

Chorioretinopathy presenting as bitemporal hemianopia

Jim Shenchu Xie, Heather M. McDonald, Alexander J. Kaplan, Edward Margolin

Age-associated gadolinium leakage into ocular structures in patients with acute traumatic brain injury

Age-associated gadolinium leakage into ocular structures in patients with acute traumatic brain injury

Emily Baniewicz, Nicole Peterkin, Marie Luby, ... Rebecca F. Gottesman, Lawrence L. Latour, L. Christine Turtzo

Clinical Short Communications

Serum direct bilirubin as a prognostic marker for short-term ischemic stroke morbidity and mortality: Pooled analysis of cohort studies

Serum direct bilirubin as a prognostic marker for short-term ischemic stroke morbidity and mortality: Pooled analysis of cohort studies

Arankesh Mahadevan, Manaswini Krishnakumar, Monitha Pinnamaneni, Rupak Desai

Letters to the Editor

Role of intrathecal production of IL-6 in the pathogenesis of chronic progressive neuro-Behçet's disease

Role of intrathecal production of IL-6 in the pathogenesis of chronic progressive neuro-Behçet's disease

Shunsei Hirohata, Hirotoshi Kikuchi

Hereditary neuropathic itch caused by gelsolin mutation

Hereditary neuropathic itch caused by gelsolin mutation

Bénédicte Dansereau, Leo H. Wang, Maxwell Ma

Robust epidemiological evidence supports the association between nodding syndrome and epilepsy

R. Colebunders

Response to Prof. Robert Colebunders' Letter submitted to JNS regarding: Spencer PS, Valdes Angues R, Palmer VS. Nodding syndrome: A role for environmental biotoxins that dysregulate MECP2 expression? J Neurol Sci. 2024 Jul 15;462:123077. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2024.123077

Peter S. Spencer, Raquel Valdes Angues, Arthur W.D. Edridge, Valerie S. Palmer, Michael Boele van Hensbroek

World Brain Day 2024: Promoting brain health and prevention

Tissa Wijeratne, David Dodick, Steven L. Lewis, Alla Guekht, Wolfgang Grisold

  • On behalf of the World Federation of Neurology
  • Published online: June 14, 2024
  • 123095
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Thoracic paraspinal muscles denervation assessment in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Clinical-neurophysiological correlations and prognostic value

Thoracic paraspinal muscles denervation assessment in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Clinical-neurophysiological correlations and prognostic value

Veria Vacchiano, Vitantonio Di Stasi, Sofia Bruni, Giovanni Rizzo, Rocco Liguori

Transforming healthcare: User-friendly digital health technologies in the era of Society 5.0

Riza Amalia, Alwita Susanti