Following a call for nominations for WFN Treasurer and one Elected Trustee, the nominating committee of the World Federation of Neurology now recommends to the membership those listed here as candidates in accordance with the Federation's Memorandum and Articles of Association:
Treasurer to take office on 1st January 2024
Elected Trustee to take office immediately after the COD Meeting
The deadline for submitting candidates for nomination was 3rd April 2023. Nominations made after this deadline are possible—To nominate another individual (who must be a member of a WFN member society), please obtain the supporting signatures of five or more authorised WFN delegates; Submit the name(s) of the individual(s) in question to the Secretary General, along with a CV and a letter of the candidates agreement to stand, c/o the WFN headquarters at 30 days prior to the start of electronic voting on the 22nd September 2023.
Voting will take place by electronic voting (remote online ballot) between Friday 22nd September 2023 and Sunday 8th October 2023.
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