Abstract Submission

Abstracts are now being accepted for consideration by the WCN 2011 Scientific Committee.

Participants are requested to submit an abstract to the Congress Secretariat NO LATER THAN JUNE 30, 2011. To submit your abstract please visit http://www2.kenes.com/wcn/scientific/Pages/Call.aspx

Main abstract topics:

  1. Dementia
  2. Autonomic Disorders
  3. Behavioral Neurology
  4. Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke and Neurosonology)
  5. Child Neurology/Developmental Neurobiology
  6. Clinical neurophysiology
  7. Critical care/Emergency neurology/Trauma
  8. Epilepsy
  9. Ethics, pain and palliative care
  10. General neurology/Neurology in systemic disease
  11. Headache and pain
  12. History of neuroscience
  13. Imaging
  14. Infection
  15. Movement disorders
  16. MS and related diseases
  17. Muscle Disease/Neuromuscular junction
  18. Neural rehabilitation
  19. Neuro-Oncology
  20. Neuro-Ophthalmology/Neuro-Otology
  21. Neuroepidemiology/Health services
  22. Neurogenetics and gene therapy
  23. Neurometabolic disorders/Neurotoxiology
  24. Neurologic education/Research
  25. Neuroimmunology
  26. Peripheral nerve (Neuropathy)
  27. Sleep Disorders

For a detailed list of topics please visit http://www2.kenes.com/wcn/scientific/Pages/Abstract_Topics.aspx

Abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to appropriate sessions. Authors will be notified regarding abstract acceptance. All accepted abstracts will be available on a CD-Rom, which will be distributed at the Congress.

Abstracts will be selected for Poster Presentation and a limited number of abstracts will be scheduled for Oral Presentation. Authors will be notified of the method of presentation. 



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All material is provided here with kind permission of the speakers. Recordings may have been edited for brevity and otherwise as requested by the speaker. Recordings are provided solely to healthcare professionals for informational and educational purposes. By accessing these recordings, you agree to our Terms and Conditions of use. You may not use this Service if you do not accept the Terms.