WFN Publications

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WFN Journals

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World Neurology

To keep neurologists across the world informed about what their colleagues in other countries are doing, our bi-monthly newsletter, World Neurology is posted on the WFN website, and mailed on request to almost 30,000 individual specialists belonging to our member societies.




World Neurology Online ⧉ 

World Neurology: January-February 2024, Volume 39, No. 1

The Journal of the Neurological Sciences

The Journal of the Neurological Sciences is the official journal of the World Federation of Neurology.

The journal provides a medium for the prompt publication of original articles in neurology and neuroscience from around the world.

JNS places special emphasis on articles that:

  1. provide guidance to clinicians around the world (Best Practices, Global Neurology);
  2. report cutting-edge science related to neurology (Basic and Translational Sciences);
  3. educate readers about relevant and practical clinical outcomes in neurology (Outcomes Research); and
  4. summarize or editorialize the current state of the literature (Reviews, Commentaries, and Editorials).


About INDEX JNS Online ⧉


WFN Service Page in JNSJNS Service Page

The WFN Service Page of the JNS is an editorial section aimed at  informing and increasing the awareness of the WFN activities in several aspects, in particular with regard to education, the global activities with the WHO and UN ECOSOC, and the projects of the WFN.


jns v2

eNeurologicalSci (eNS)

eNeurologicalSci is the official open access journal of WFN.

eNS accepts most types of manuscripts for consideration including original research papers, short communications, reviews, book reviews, letters to the Editor, opinions and editorials.

Topics considered will be from neurology-related fields that are of interest to practicing physicians around the world. Examples include neuromuscular diseases, demyelination, atrophies, dementia, neoplasms, infections, epilepsies, disturbances of consciousness, stroke and cerebral circulation, growth and development, plasticity and intermediary metabolism.

The fields covered may include neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, neuroendocrinology, neuroepidemiology, neurogenetics, neuroimmunology, neuroophthalmology, neuropathology, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, neuroradiology, neurosurgery, neurooncology, neurotoxicology, restorative neurology, and tropical neurology.



About INDEX eNS Online ⧉

eNeurologicalSci eNS




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The WFN's name gives authority to the reports we produce from time to time on subjects such as the Global Burden of Neurological Disease or a Survey of Global Neuro-specialists.  Our collaboration with the World Health Organization has resulted a number of major publications including an Atlas of Country Resources for Neurological Disorders ⧉ and Neurological Disorders: Public Health Challenges ⧉ .


Latest publications:

World Brain Day 2024: a focus on brain health and prevention⧉

The Lancet Neurology. 2024 Jul 18

WBD 2024 Lancet


World Brain Day 2024: Promoting brain health and prevention ⧉

Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2024 Jun 14

JNS Letter World Brain Day 2024


World Federation of Neurology ⧉

European Journal of Neurology. 2024 June 12:e16347

Euro J of Neurology June 2024 Grisold World Federation of Neurology

General neurology: Current challenges and future implications ⧉

European Journal of Neurology. 2024 Mar 28:e16237

Euro J of Neurology 2024 General neurology Current challenges and future implications

The expanding burden of neurological disorders ⧉

The Lancet Neurology. Comment, March 14, 2024

Lancet vol23 3 March 2024

The future of brain health advocacy: Recommendations of the 2023 World Congress of Neurology advocacy panel ⧉

Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Volume 458, 2024, 122914, ISSN 0022-510X.

The future of brain advocacy WCN2023 panel discussions

The Cranial Nerves in Neurology ⧉

Springer International Publishing; November 2023

The Cranial Nerves in Neurology

Brain health, disability, and the need for broader thinking ⧉

The Lancet Neurology. Editorial, 2023, Sep 22(9):769

JNS WBD 2023 Brain Health and Disability Leave no one behind

World Brain Day 2023 - Brain Health and Disability: "Leave no one behind" ⧉

Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2023, 120720, ISSN 0022-510X

JNS WBD 2023 Brain Health and Disability Leave no one behind

Uniting for global brain health: Where advocacy meets awareness. ⧉

Epilepsy & Behavior. 2023 Aug 1;145

Uniting for global brain health: Where advocacy meets awareness

Advocacy for patients with headache disorders ⧉

Eneurologicalsci. 2023 May 10:100466

eNS Advocacy for patients with headache disorders

The Intersectoral Global Action Plan (IGAP): A unique opportunity for neurology across the globe ⧉

Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2023 Apr 11:120645

The Intersectoral Global Action Plan IGAP A unique opportunity for neurology across the globe